Pat Tucker

By day, Patricia Tucker Wilson works as Prairie View A&M University's College of Agriculture and Human Sciences' Assistant Director for the Information Impact Center. By night, she is a talented writer with a knack for telling page-turning stories. A former radio and television news reporter, she draws on her background to craft stories readers will love. With more than twenty years of media experience, the award-winning broadcast journalist has worked as a reporter for ABC, NBC, and Fox affiliate TV stations and radio stations in California and Texas. Before penning her own stories, the prolific writer was a much sought-after ghostwriter. She holds a Master's Degree in Community Development and a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism.

Her work has appeared on nationally syndicated shows, featured in Essence and Ebony magazines, and she's written guest blogs for the Huffington Post, the Houston Chronicle,, YahooShine and been interviewed on countless radio and TV broadcasts. Pat is available for interviews by phone, video, or in person.

Currently residing in Los Angeles, California, Eniafe continues to bring her work and wisdom  to life through various offerings and enjoys exploring the full breadth and depth of her  creativity through writing and visual storytelling.